Springbank Public School |
General School DescriptionSpringbank Public School is in its 54th year of operation as an elementary school. Over the years, it has acquired the reputation for excellence in both academic and social areas; a reputation built on the cooperation between home and school. We have a school of approximately 450 students in grades Junior Kindergarten to Eight. Springbank School has a staff of 45 people. Everyone on staff is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the reputation built on excellence and aim to provide the best educational experiences for our students. We constantly evaluate our effectiveness by orchestrating activities to help our students develop to their full potential; mastery of facts; development of inquiry and critical thinking skills and the fostering of a positive attitude towards themselves, others and learning in general. The Springbank Advisory Council (SAC) is an organization of parents, community representatives, staff and administration that work collaboratively serving the needs of our students. The SAC meets monthly. Parents are invited to attend the meetings. SPRINGBANK SCHOOL IS A GREAT PLACE TO LEARN. WELCOME! School OrganizationPrincipal Mrs. Hanchiruk Vice-Principal Ms. Trott Secretary Mrs. Wierenga Mrs. Skillings Teaching Staff K1 - Mrs. Lucas/Ms. Cormier K2 - Mrs. Cox-Wilson/Ms. Spierenburg K3 - Mrs. Hills/ Miss Lewis Grade 1A - Mrs. Adamson Grade 1B- Mrs. Cadman Grade 1/2 - Mrs. Sales Grade 2 - Mrs. Moyer/ Miss Masters Grade 2/3- Mrs. Kanters Grade 3 - Ms. Poetter Grade 3/4 - Mrs. Hart Grade 4A - Mrs. Thede Grade 4B - Mr. MacIntyre Grade 5- Mr. Hardeman Grade 5/6- Mrs. Westra Grade 6 - Mrs. Myers Grade 6/7- Mr. Miranda Grade 7/8A - Mr. Nixon Grade 7/8B - Mr. Durston Grade 7/8C - Ms. Ede French - Mr. Gillespie and Mrs. Dean Kindergarten Specialty Teacher - Ms. McMahon Learning Support Teacher - Mrs. Waud Music - Miss Kawabe Teacher-Librarian - Ms. Beaudin
Support Staff Educational Assistants - Mrs. Brooker, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Fowler, Ms. Smith, Mrs. Wells Charge Custodian - Mr. Woolcock Custodians - Mr. Adams
Goal To improve student learning and achievement in mathematics by teaching multiple mathematical models and developing number flexibility.
Extra-curricular Activities
Volunteers at the school: