About Us

                   Springbank Public School



Please send any comments or questions to Public Affairs and Community Relations info@tvdsb.on.ca.

Contact WebAdministrator@tvdsb.on.ca regarding any difficulties with Site contact.

Thames Valley District School Board
1250 Dundas Street
(P.O. Box 5888)
London, Ontario
N5W 5P2 (N6A 5L1)
Tel: (519) 452-2000
Fax: (519) 452-2395




8:50 Morning Classes Begin

10:50 - 11:40 Nutrition Break

1:20 - 2:00 Nutrition Break

3:20 Dismissal

Students should not arrive at school prior  to 8:35 a.m. and should go straight home

at 3:20 p.m.




During the school year if there is any change

of information (address, phone number, legal

custody) we would appreciate notification for

our records.




Attendance on a regular basis is vital for

successful progress in school. In the interest

of safety, we ask that students and

parents comply with the following


Call the school (519-539-7140). The secretary

will answer the phone. If not, follow the options

provided and leave a message. Identify yourself

and your relationship with the student. Tell us

that your child will be late or absent and the

reason why. You can also email us at


When a pupil returns to school, a dated note

from the parent/guardian, explaining the

absence, must be presented to the homeroom

teacher. This must be done for our records

even though contact may have been made by

telephone.  A note must likewise be presented to

the teacher if a student is to leave school

early (dental app’t, etc.). The note should

indicate the reason for and the time of the early

dismissal. Students need to be signed out

at the office. When a student will be absent for

an extended period of time due to family

vacation, etc. a note requesting the leave, and

explaining the reason for the absence and

expected return date should be forwarded to the



Lates: Pupils arriving late MUST report to the office for a Welcome slip.


Telephone Checks:

As an added safety precaution, Springbank

uses a Phone Check system for students who

are absent. Its purpose is to alert parents to

the fact that their son/daughter has not

arrived at school by shortly after bell time.

We try to notify parents by 9:30 a.m. and

following each nutrition break by 12:30p.m.

and 2:45 p.m. respectively, unless prior

notice has been given about the student’s

















 General School Description

Springbank Public School is in its 54th year of operation as an elementary school. Over the years, it has acquired the reputation for excellence in both academic and social areas; a reputation built on the cooperation between home and school. We have a school of approximately 450 students in grades Junior Kindergarten to Eight. Springbank School has a staff of 45 people. Everyone on staff is dedicated to preserving and enhancing the reputation built on excellence and aim to provide the best educational experiences for our students. We constantly evaluate our effectiveness by  orchestrating activities to help our students develop to their full potential; mastery of facts; development of inquiry and critical thinking skills and the fostering of a positive attitude towards themselves, others and learning in general. The Springbank Advisory Council (SAC) is an organization of parents, community representatives, staff and administration that work collaboratively serving the needs of our students. The SAC meets monthly. Parents are invited to attend the meetings.


School Organization


Mrs. Hanchiruk


Ms. Trott


Mrs. Wierenga

Mrs. Skillings

Teaching Staff

K1 - Mrs. Lucas/Ms. Cormier

K2 - Mrs. Cox-Wilson/Ms. Spierenburg

K3 - Mrs. Hills/ Miss Lewis 

Grade 1A - Mrs. Adamson

Grade 1B- Mrs. Cadman

Grade 1/2 - Mrs. Sales

Grade 2 -  Mrs. Moyer/ Miss Masters

Grade 2/3- Mrs. Kanters

Grade 3 -  Ms. Poetter 

Grade 3/4 -  Mrs. Hart

Grade 4A -  Mrs. Thede

Grade 4B - Mr. MacIntyre

Grade 5- Mr. Hardeman

Grade 5/6- Mrs. Westra

Grade 6 - Mrs. Myers

Grade 6/7- Mr. Miranda

Grade 7/8A - Mr. Nixon

Grade 7/8B - Mr. Durston 

Grade 7/8C - Ms. Ede

French - Mr. Gillespie and Mrs. Dean

Kindergarten Specialty Teacher - Ms. McMahon

Learning Support Teacher - Mrs. Waud

Music - Miss Kawabe

Teacher-Librarian - Ms. Beaudin


Support Staff

Educational Assistants - Mrs. Brooker, Mrs. Burns, Mrs. Fowler, Ms. Smith, Mrs. Wells

Charge Custodian - Mr. Woolcock

Custodians - Mr. Adams




To improve student learning and achievement in mathematics by teaching multiple mathematical models and developing number flexibility.


 Extra-curricular Activities  

  • Boys and Girls Basketball
  • Boys and Girls Floor Hockey
  • Boys and Girls Soccer 
  • Boys and Girls Volleyball 
  • Cross-Country
  • Junior Intramurals
  • Intermediate Intramurals
  • Jump Rope for Heart
  • Track & Field
  • Dance Club
  • Choir
  • Music Club



  Volunteers at the school:

  • Classroom volunteer
  • Field trip volunteer
  • Fundraising volunteer
  • Hot Meal Day volunteer
  • School Advisory Council (SAC)
